Moon Energy

The changing phases of the moon affect more than just the ebb and flow of the tidal waves. While we can only observe the moons changing shapes and illumination with the naked eye, the moon also shifts its energy, directly alters our mood & emotions, and directly affects our physical and mental health.

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What is Reiki?

What is Reiki? Reiki (Pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese spiritual system used for self-healing, promoting healing in other people, and for spiritual development. The word Reiki is represented by two kanji, Rei and ki. Kanji are ideograms used in the written language of Japan. Rei is the upper character which in general means universal (spiritual wisdom), and Ki is the lower character which means life energy. In Japanese “Reiki” means “Universal Energy” and is the life force that is everywhere and inside of everything.

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A Brief Look into Palmistry

Palmistry is the art of analyzing the physical features of the hands to interpret ones personality characteristics, their potential & more. Palmistry is actually a very in-depth practice with a lot of information to retain as it looks into all the aspects of the hands from their shape, color, mounts, lines, fingers, differences between the left and right and so on. 

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17 Ways to Raise Your Vibrations

The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affects our emotions, thoughts, and reactions. Our mindset & thought process also contributes to this as well. The quality of our overall wellbeing, relationships, productivity, creativity and health all depends upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy.

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