A Brief Look into Palmistry

Published on 10 April 2023 at 08:59

Palmistry is the art of analyzing the physical features of the hands to interpret ones personality characteristics, their potential & more. Palmistry is actually a very in-depth practice with a lot of information to retain as it looks into all the aspects of the hands from their shape, color, mounts, lines, fingers, differences between the left and right and so on. 

Here is a brief look into the main lines on the palms:

The lines are the road map of the hand. They can reveal many facets of a person’s character. They are formed during the third month in the womb and the term used for them are palmar creases. The lines on the hand are made up of the same stem cells as the brain, sharing a singular connection. There are more nerves running from the hand to the brain than any other part of the nervous system.

You always want to observe both hands because they both provide important information for the overall reading. The recessive hand shows the qualities given at birth and changes only slightly over the course of one's life. It shows their talents and possible untapped potential. The dominant hand changes as we change and shows our growth throughout the years. This hand shows our present most recent information that is going on in our life. Sometimes the two hands are very similar to each other which indicates that the person has not changed much throughout their lifetime.

There are six major lines and many minor ones. Every hand typically has a Head, a Heart and a Lifeline. The lines of Saturn (Known as the Fate Line), Apollo, and Mercury appear as well but can appear less often. Regardless of which lines a person has you will always be able to tell the individual's dominant character traits, qualities of their personality, talents, strengths and weaknesses by referring to the mounts dominant archetypes.

When reading the lines on the hands, the depth of how they are etched into the palm and the clarity of how clear they appear means the stronger the line will be which will show how well functioning that area is. If a line is missing, appears faint or broken this means that the individual has a weakness in that area. However, do not worry if this is the case, as lines do change as we change. They are there for guidance and to show us what areas we need to focus on to better ourselves. Their ability to change shows us that fate is fluid, as when we change the lines change. This shows us that we can change our future by our choices and actions that we take today.

The lines on a person's hands vary. Some will have many lines, and some will have only a few. The people with many are known to be sensitive and impressionable. They can have a heightened amount of nervous energy and may be overly sensitive. They can be influenced and/or just pulled into many different directions appearing to be high strung. They need to find an outlet for their nervous energy as it can be very overwhelming to the point where they can burnout easily. People with many lines on their hands are more likely to have change appear.

People with only a few lines are calm, even tempered, and have good self-control. They are less complex and less impressionable than people with many lines. Due to this they are more likely to follow their original path as shown on their recessive palm and are less likely to have many changes to their dominant hand.

Each line on the palm indicates a different aspect of a persons' being. When a line is deep and clear it indicates that is where the persons strongest area is. If a line is faint and thin it shows it is the persons' weaker area.

Deep and clear lines are strong and are like channels, or rivers of energy. They allow energy to flow through them freely and easily in a positive way.

Thin and clear lines that are blockage free can still allow energy to flow freely, just not as much as the deep lines. These would be considered delicate and are in need of more care in those areas. However, they can hold energy but cannot be pushed over the limit.

Broad and shallow lines are wide but shallow. They can hold energy in their channels and let energy flow but cannot hold too much before overflowing.

Uneven lines can vary over the course of the line. These lines can go from deep and clear to thin and clear and back again with different variations as well. You may also find different defects and the line may even break and then begin again. Each line has a unique age system, when observing the line from beginning to end, one can tell around where the changes occurred. You can see where their life may have changed or where they started a new path.

Chained Lines make it difficult for energy to flow freely. The loops in the chain make the energy flow in loops as well. The chains represent different obstacles in one's life and represents blockages in one's energy at those times.

The Head, The Heart and The Lifelines must always be read in proportion with one another. If these three lines are of equal depth and clarity, then the person can draw equally from these three aspects of their being. If one of these lines appears much weaker than the others, then this quality is more fragile than the others and shows the persons weaker area. If one is stronger than the others, then it shows that the quality is the leading aspect in their personality

The Heart Line represents the physical state of the heart and emotions. The heart line begins near the mount of Jupiter (at the base of the index-pointer-finger) and runs across the hand. When this line is clear in the hand the individual is steady in their emotions, they are devoted and reliable. A faint, thin or chained line shows that they are fickle, sentimental and changeable.

The Headline represents one's intelligence and ability to concentrate and focus. The Headline begins under the mount of Jupiter, near the beginning of the Lifeline. When the line is clear in the hand the individual has clarity, good concentration, and a good memory. If the line is faint, thin or chained the individuals' mental power is weak, they may have lack of focus, concentration and may experience confusion.

There are some variations that can happen. The head and the heart line can occasionally combine into one. This is called the Simian Line and is the head and the heart functioning as one. This line represents intensity, strong focus and their emotions are influenced by their mind.

The Lifeline hugs the thumb in a wide arc. It begins underneath the Headline and runs down to the wrist area. It shows the individuals resiliency to resist illness and their overall vitality. Many think of the lifeline as how long they have to live, but this is not the case. It tells us how long energy will be a gift. When the line is clear the individual's energy and recovery from illness or injury is strong. When the line is faint, thin, broken or chained it shows us that the individuals energy runs low and their ability to withstand illness and injury is low.

The Fate Line (Saturn Line) represents how secure the individual feels. This can be based off of internal or external factors. The Fate Line begins near the wrist and runs upward toward the Mount of Saturn (at the base of the middle finger). Every change in this line signals a new cycle of life, where some kind of change happened to the individual. When the line is clear the individual feels secure, and their conditions are favorable. When the line is missing, faint, or so on the individual is unsecure and has to put more of an effort forth. However, most people that are self-made in their successes will not have a fate line.

Remember to always read both hands! Yes, we concentrate on the dominant hand, however, each hand offers valuable information to the individual with a slightly different view.

The dominant hand is the stronger hand and changes more frequently than the recessive (non-dominant) hand. Due to the changes in the dominant hand this hand offers the most up-to-date information for each individual. The recessive hand changes very little over time and shows us the characteristic traits given at birth. Everything etched into the recessive hands tells us that there are possibility's stored in the subconscious mind and that the individual has untapped aspects and qualities within the inner self.

A good way to remember this is the palmistry saying, "The recessive hand shows the individuals qualities given to them at birth, while the dominant hand shows what has become of them."

For someone who is ambidextrous, you would compare the similarities and differences as this is more complex. Ask which hand they use more for writing and that would be the hand you would use to interpret the Headline. The hand used for manual labor or sport activities would be the one to use for the Lifeline. The hand they use to reach out to others would be used for the Heart Line.

Reading palms is one of the best forms of divination when trying to look at one's life. By reading and comparing both palms one can see how a person has evolved over the years and it gives a more comprehensive reading of the individual overall.


Learn to do palm reading for yourself and others in my fully illustrated certification course. My course covers everything you need to know to enter into the exciting world of palmistry, whether using it for entertainment purposes with friends, to launch a whole new business or to add as a service in your already established business! Contact me directly at theeholisticmaven@gmail.com for more info!

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