Crystals for Balancing Chakras

Published on 14 April 2023 at 13:16

Crystals are a wonderful tool to help balance our chakras. I will go through the 7 major chakras and share which crystals can help align each one.


Starting with the Root Chakra: Muladhara, our 1st Chakra, located at the base of the spine, its Element is Earth, Color associated is Red, when In Balance you may find Feelings of safety, security, belonging, rooted, ancestral connection, when Out of Balance you may observe Scattered energies, anxiety, fear, ungrounded, scarcity mindset. An Affirmation to use to support this chakra in a ritual is 'I am safe & secure'.

Some supporting Crystals to place on your root chakra, have in your space, or meditate with are Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Hematite Tigers Eye, Red Jasper. Its Bija Mantra you may utilize is LAM.

Next is the Sacral Chakra: Svadhisthana, our 2nd Chakra, located below the navel, its Element is Water and Color is Orange, when In Balance you may experience Abundance, fun, joy, creative flow, and sensuality. When Out of Balance Creative blocks, lack of nurturing, emotional isolation, lack of intimacy may occur. An Affirmation you can use in ritual for this chakra is 'My life is abundant and brings me pleasure'.

Some supporting Crystals to place on your sacral chakra, have in your space, or meditate with are Carnelian, Citrine, Moonstone, Orange Calcite, Sunstone, Red Aventurine. Its Bija Mantra you may utilize is VAM.

Next is the Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura, our 3rd Chakra. Located Below the ribcage in your stomach area, its Element is Fire and its Color is Yellow. In Balance you may feel Confident, in harmony, having high self-worth, motivated, feel a sense of purpose, and self-control. When Out of Balance you may observe Limited self-esteem, questioning life purpose, low confidence, control issues, aggression, feelings of helplessness. An Affirmation you can use in ritual for this chakra is 'I am worthy and confident in myself'.

Some supporting Crystals to place on your solar plexus chakra, have in your space or meditate with are Tiger’s eye, bumblebee jasper, Citrine, Calcite, Malachite, Topaz. Its Bija Mantra you may utilize is RAM.

Now we will discuss the Heart Chakra: Anahata, our 4th Chakra, located at the Center of the Chest, its Element is Air, its Color is Green. When In Balance you may experience Love, compassion, self-love, healthy relationships with yourself and others. When Out of Balance you may observe Depression, difficulty in relationships, lack of self-discipline. An Affirmation you can use in ritual for this chakra is 'I am open to give and receive love'.

Some supporting Crystals to place on your heart chakra, have in your space, or meditate with are Rose quartz, jade, emerald, green fluorite, green tourmaline, green calcite. Its Bija Mantra you may utilize is YAM.

Next is the Throat Chakra: Visuddha, our 5th Chakra. Located at the Throat. Its Element is Ether and its Color is Blue. When In Balance: You may have Clear communication and the ability to speak openly, open self-expression, connection to life. When Out of Balance you may notice a lack of open communication, difficulty expressing oneself fully, increased anxiety, shyness, being withdrawn. An Affirmation you can use in ritual for this chakra is 'I express myself clearly and communicate well'.

Some supporting Crystals to place on your throat chakra, have in your space, or meditate with are Sodalite, Celestite, Aquamarine, Turquoise. Its Bija Mantra you may utilize is HAM.

Now let’s talk about the Third Eye Chakra: Ajna, our 6th Chakra. Located at the Center of our Forehead, its Element is Light meaning (water, earth, fire, ether, and air together) and its Color is Indigo. When In Balance: you may be Intuitive, Imaginative, effective concentration, Insight, Inner wisdom, openness. When Out of Balance you may observe a lack of clarity and direction, imaginative block, limited foresight. An Affirmation you can use in ritual for this chakra is 'I trust my intuitive guidance'.

Supporting Crystals to place on your third eye chakra, have in your space, or meditate with during ritual are Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Azurite, Black Obsidian, Purple Fluorite. Its Bija Mantra you may utilize is OM.

Lastly, we have the Crown Chakra: Sahasrara, our 7th Chakra Located at Top of the head, its Element is Thought being connection to spirit and universal consciousness. Its color is Violet. When In Balance you may feel Connected to the divine and universal consciousness, positive thoughts, spiritual connection, enlightened. When Out of Balance you may be Disconnect from your higher self and the universe, lacking relationship with spirit, close-minded. An Affirmation you can use in ritual for this chakra is 'I am divine and connected to universal consciousness'.

Some supporting Crystals to place on your crown chakra, have in your space or meditate with are Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Diamond, Rock Quartz. Its Bija Mantra you may utilize is OM.


I hope you find something that resonates with you here.

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