What is Reiki?

Published on 14 April 2023 at 10:11

What is Reiki? Reiki (Pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese spiritual system used for self-healing, promoting healing in other people, and for spiritual development. The word Reiki is represented by two kanji, Rei and ki. Kanji are ideograms used in the written language of Japan. Rei is the upper character which in general means universal (spiritual wisdom), and Ki is the lower character which means life energy. In Japanese “Reiki” means “Universal Energy” and is the life force that is everywhere and inside of everything.

“We are all born with this Reiki energy but there are two processes combine to make it work. The first is receiving Reiki attunements (initiations), which open your energy channels and connect you to spiritual energy. The second is using simple methods involving your hands, eyes, and your intention to channel energy to others or to use for your own spiritual cultivation. Reiki students receive initiations from Reiki Master/Teachers to awaken and connect to the Universal energy. Energy simply IS, and we as living embodiments of light can all work and connect with this energy. Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be transformed. Therefore, you and Reiki are the same. This process opens the energy channels to Reiki. This energetic link acts as protection as well as an unseen form of guidance for students while they are using and working with Reiki.


Reiki Is:

  • Universal Life Force Energy
  • Guidance from the Universe
  • A pulsating electricity of the Universe and the solar system, our physical, mental, and emotional bodies, and the earth we live on.
  • Similar to a battery charger boosting the electrical system of the human body.
  • A method of using energy for the greater good of all
  • The rhythmic intelligence of our universe
  • Universal--not affiliated with any religious belief
  • The ability for one human to connect with another in the deepest of ways
  • An immediate healing process for every living thing
  • Always available without the need of any tools
  • An energy that heals the healer first and then heals others too


What Does Reiki Do?

From time to time your energy may get thrown out of balance, whether it be from illness, stress, poor diet, or emotional issues. Reiki can help balance your life energy, and therefore help heal any self-induced or stress related disorder. Reiki works best in conjunction with your regular health practitioner and can be administered by yourself or another practitioner as often as needed. Unlike modern or herbal medicine, you cannot overdose, become allergic, or reject Reiki, as energy IS nature. Energy is what we all are at the core level, like water is a necessity of all life. Reiki can help heal injuries, speed the process of recovery, and even assist in resolving emotional issues. There are no limitations to Reiki. Reiki can help alleviate suffering, whether it is of a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual nature. This means that Reiki can heal. This statement is not a guarantee or a promise that someone will be relieved of any illness, as it is illegal to diagnose unless you are a medical doctor. However, in most cases Reiki does stimulate improvement, whether used in conjunction with either traditional or holistic medicine, or even all by itself. Sometimes people have unreasonable expectations of Reiki, both as clients and as practitioners. Reiki cannot promise to produce an instant miraculous cure of any condition. That does not mean I have not heard my share of spontaneous healing but results like this are in the hands of the client and his or her ability to ask for healing and use the power of Reiki along with a healthy lifestyle. Like other modalities, it can take time to see long-term results. Reiki works with you to restore energetic balance and repair things like blockages and tears in the energy field that create disease and unhappiness. It helps support our body as a whole.

The Rediscovery of Reiki

Up until recently, Reiki was mainly passed exclusively via oral tradition. Due to this, there are many variations in the story of Reiki, as well as missing pieces to the emergence of Reiki as we know it today. We do not know the exact details involving Mikao Usui’s quest for Reiki nor the exact circumstances that lead him on his initial quest. It has only been in the last 15 years that members of the Reiki community in Japan have opened their hearts to us in the West and supplied us with truthful information about how Usui Reiki came to be. Prior to this time, the facts were either distorted or not disclosed and we were left in the dark. We do know that Mikao Usui was always a spiritual seeker who practiced Kiko, which is like Qi Gong or Chi Kung. Kiko, consists of breathing exercises, meditation, and movement. It could be described as a ‘moving meditation’. He studied medicine, psychology, religion, and spiritual development. He was a member of a metaphysical group called Rei Jyutu Ka. Mikao Usui became secretary to Shinpei Goto (the head of the Health and Welfare Department who went on to become the Mayor of Tokyo). Usui sensei had also started a business, but it failed. In 1914, at the age of 49, he decided to become a Buddhist Monk. In 1922, he went on the 21-day retreat of meditation, prayers, chanting and fasting at Mount Kurama in Kyoto, Japan. The story is while he was standing under a waterfall, he did a meditation that was designed to open and purify the Crown Chakra. Which had caused him to have a spiritual awakening on the final day of his retreat. It was said that during this a powerful light entered the top of his head expanding his awareness, and that is when he realized a great power had entered him. Before him appeared five symbols in the colors of the rainbow. The meanings and uses of the symbols were communicated to him intuitively & spiritually, from a Higher Source. After this revelation he had witnessed “Four Healing Miracles.”

The Four Healing Miracles of Mikao Usui

  1. Upon leaving the Mountain, he stubbed his toe and instinctively placed his hands over the wound. When he removed his hands, he discovered that the wound was healing, and the bleeding had already stopped. This is considered the first of the four healing miracles.
  2. On his journey home he stopped to finally eat-to break his 21-day fast. He was cautioned against overeating, as anyone who is familiar with fasting will understand that the body is typically not capable of digesting large quantities of food after such a long rest of activity, but he was able to handle all that he consumed. This is considered the second miracle.
  3. Sensei Usui was informed that the restaurant owner’s granddaughter was suffering with a bad toothache and was in severe pain. He went to see her, placed his hands on the sides of her mouth, and her pain disappeared. This is the third miracle.
  4. When he returned home, he visited the Abbot who was at the Zen monastery, he was suffering from arthritis. Sensei Usui placed his hands on the Abbot and as he did this, he felt immediate relief. This is considered the fourth miracle.

The Emergence of Reiki

Sensei Usui decided to take his gift of healing into the communities that were impoverished and needed it the most. He opened a clinic and worked in the “slums” of Japan with his goal to cure those who were reduced to beggars so they could live a more prosperous, harmonious life. He was surprised to see that some of the patients, who had shown evidence of cure, were soon reduced to the same level of illness and poverty as before. He realized that it was not due to their lack of appreciation, or that the Reiki did not work- it was that some people need more than one healing session, and he was the only one trying to do all the healings in the clinic. From this, Sensei Usui realized that other Reiki Masters were needed to be able to help more people. This is when he created the attunement process.

What is an Attunement?

A Reiki attunement is a sacred spiritual initiation that connects the initiate with the higher levels of consciousness and the unlimited access to the source of cosmic healing energy. Specifically, it opens the crown, spiritual (third) eye, heart, hands, and feet for their use in channeling this energy to oneself and to others. As such, Reiki attunements are powerful and transformational experiences not to be taken lightly. There are no special requirements to be qualified to receive the attunement process. Anyone, regardless of their religion or level of spiritual awareness may receive attunements. Once you have been attuned you will ALWAYS have access to the universal energy. Even if you stop using it for several months or even years, the moment you feel the need to use it again, it will be there as effective as it was when you were first attuned.

Who is Qualified to Pass on Reiki Attunements?

Anyone who has fully received attunements to the five symbols of Reiki and has had hands-on practice and knowledge of Reiki is likely qualified to instruct others and pass on attunements. The general guidelines are limited to someone who holds certification and lineage which traces back to the system’s originator, Mikao Usui. Normally one waits a minimum of one year and a day before performing attunements on others, but ultimately this is a personal decision. There are exceptions to those who study and research more than others. Everyone is unique and some may spend more time studying and practicing than others.

What can I Expect from Being Attuned to Reiki?

As one progresses through the levels there can be a distinct and noticeable difference in the perception of effects and sensations of both the practitioner and the client. Some have changed the course of their life, through having the insight and courage to embrace their true soul’s purpose. Others have walked away from abusive relationships, had spontaneous spiritual healing, or suddenly just let go of a harmful habit, like smoking, or was able to finally end their addiction to whatever it may be. Yet others have simply went on with life as normal, but with a deeper connection to all living things. Basically, Reiki will assist you in transitioning into the next phase of your life path if you are open to allowing these changes to flow freely. Reiki does not take away your free will nor that of another.

Am I worthy to be a Reiki Master?

Reiki is not an elite practice only open to the wealthy, the beautiful, or the highly intelligent. Being a Reiki Master is not a sign or guarantee of a person's moral fiber in this country, either. Reiki Masters are as human as anyone else. However, when you accept the attunement to Master, you take on a moral responsibility to keep following the Reiki Principles and to setting a proper example for the community. A Reiki Master cannot live the life of a hypocrite and expect pure Reiki to flow through them. Anyone therefore who wishes to receive the attunement should be allowed to do so. Energy is free and should not be a privilege. In fact, when Mikao Usui received his spontaneous attunement via meditation, he was no higher spiritually than you or me. It was also revealed to him in one session, and not level by level, as so commonly known of in the US. The one attunement alone made him a master, and while it is perfectly fine to separate it by levels, it is not necessary. One could teach level by level if they feel that is best for them, or they could teach in two levels by combining Levels I & II together and then a teaching the Master/Teacher level separate. Or one could teach all three levels together as one, like I prefer to do. Use your intuition and do what is best for you.

What Does Reiki “feel” Like?

This differs from individual to individual. For the practitioner, usually a warm tingly sensation is felt in the hands, along with often a harmonious sensation inside of yourself. You may feel slightly dizzy, even feel as if you are swaying, and all of this is normal and natural. As you channel the energy of the Universe, it cleanses your own energy field, so you too get a Reiki treatment every time you offer Reiki...which is a good reason to perform Reiki as frequently as possible for all who ask. You can never get too much Reiki.

What else do I Need to Know about Reiki?

At first you may feel the need to prove to yourself and others that Reiki works. This can cause you to use your own personal energy rather than Reiki. Using your own energy will make you feel tired after giving a treatment, whereas the practitioner should feel rested and revitalized after giving a treatment. The effectiveness of this and other energy systems could be modified by the practitioner’s and client’s expectations. The limits that they put on the energy with the concepts they hold about what the work can and should do, affect the outcome. Therefore, it is urgent that while you are doing treatments you allow the energy to work. Hold the intention that it will work for the highest good of the client. I begin most sessions by mentally stating this. Personal intuition will guide you as you learn to be more aware of it and to trust it. However, natural intuition alone does not substitute for a basic understanding of energy work and the techniques for treatment. Reiki energy can flow to where it chooses. It can be directed but most teachers strongly recommend that you do not do this. At first you may need to remind yourself quite often to allow the flow rather than push it with your will. Remember that you are a conduit of Reiki, but not responsible for the Reiki and its work. You are merely a vessel, channeling reiki energy. On rare occasions the recipient may feel that your hands are too hot or become uncomfortable in some other way. If this happens ask if they wish to continue the treatment or stop. Most people will choose to continue and may feel a healing release. If someone wishes to end the treatment early for any reason, just stop. At times emotional clearing occurs during a treatment and results in the receiver crying or retrieving repressed memories. Interrupting them may result in a reduction of the healing release. While you are not their therapist, you may offer them some tissues and let them work it out themselves and move on respecting their vulnerability.

Reiki Energy Defined

In one of William Lee Rands articles, he explains what Reiki energy is and how can we recognize it. In The Spirit of Reiki, a book published in 2001 that he wrote along with Arjava Petter and Walter Lubeck, there is a definition of Reiki on page 22. It explains that Reiki is any healing energy that fulfills the following four criteria:

1. The ability to perform Reiki comes from having received an attunement, rather than developing the ability over time through the use of meditation or other exercises.

2. All Reiki techniques are part of a lineage, meaning the technique has been passed from teacher to student through an attunement process, starting with [the founder of the technique].

3. Reiki does not require that one guides the energy with the mind, as it is guided by the higher power that knows what vibration or combination of vibrations [are needed by the client].

4. Reiki can do no harm.

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